Monday, 15 April 2013

Bird watching this morning

This morning I got up at 5.30 and went to the nature reserve attached to Lochore Meadows country park in Fife Scotland.

This is the view from the bird hide at the nature reserve looking north toward Kinross. It looks so calming and it was but the noise of bird song this early in the morning was just mind blowing. 

Such a relaxing start to the day and the bird count wasn't to shabby either. Perhaps not the rarest specimens but such a great start to the day.
I saw the following at the reserve
12 Pink Footed Geese
14 Mallard
14 Tufted Ducks
There was 1 bird I'm unsure of but I took loads of field notes and will try and ID this later tpday
These I spotted on the way to and from the reserve
4 Wood Pigeon
3 Magpies
3 Ring Necked Doves
5 Blackbirds

I did hear many more smaller birds but think I need to improve my observation skills or be quiter when I'm moving around the site.

 Again a view from the same position looking slightly eastward but generally north. It shows how even a slight change of angle can change the amount of daylight available. So remember when trying to ID birds this can change the appearance of colour such a lot.

Spring is arriving even if it is slower than normal. Here is the fresh flush of Hawthorn foliage that is so bright in the shade looks like its been shown in a spotlight.

The weer running from the nature reserve into Lochore Meadows proper

Finally the view from the weer north toward the nature reserve!

I hope you enjoy these pictures!
This morning has proven to me that I need to get a camera with a much better zoom capability as even from the hide I couldn't zoom in close enough to get any good pics of the birds I saw. The ones I've uploaded here are from my iPhone I will get the ones from my camera up later and hope they will be better quality,

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

 Today I had an appointment at the hospital in Kircaldy and had been kind of wound up about it. It was about a clinical trial for a new tablet. Then once I'd been and they told me I was to healthy to take part in the trial ( me being healthy is just so so funny ). I decided to drive down to the prom and sit listen to the waves crashing, See if it could chill me out a bit. Well it must have done. I fell asleep in the car with the window down. When I woke up about an hour later this is the fantastic sight that greeted me. That made me smile so much it was just great waking up and hearing that wonderful noise.
Hope you like the pics of the scene that greeted me when I woke!

The sunset from my front door last week

Got these last week when I was feeding the birds and they made me smile so much hop you like them.

Hope these make anyone who looks at them smile as well :-)